Store From Scratch Contest Winners

  • 26 February 2014
  • 2 min read
Store From Scratch Contest Winners

The time has come to announce our contest winners!

Before launching into it, we must say that this contest has left us feeling like proud parents. We knew we’d see some awesome entries, but we had no idea how awesome they’d be. To all the folks that entered, you’ve left us truly inspired and that’s a beautiful thing!

That being said, we’re happy to finally announce our three winners. These shops created videos that we couldn’t get out of our heads, that stuck with us and really captured the essence of their world, their shop, and their products:

1st Place: Long Live the Swarm

Narrated by co-creators and co-owners Shane and Aaron, the Swarm’s video shares their story from past to present and even touches on some of their hopes for the future. Sparked by the loss of a friend, the Swarm began as an idea just over a year ago and through their dedication and passion, they continue to grow. The Swarm truly exemplifies the DIY approach and spirit through and through.

2nd Place: The Great PNW

Beautifully shot and edited, the submission from The Great PNW shows us their process from the beginning to end. Starting with references and sketches and ending with photographing their products in the great outdoors of the Pacific Northwest - the place that inspired all their efforts to start this endeavor of theirs in the first place. Talk about coming full circle, right?

3rd Place: ADAMJK

Unique and personal, we really love Adam’s interpretation of what Store From Scratch means to him and seeing such an intimate view of his world. His pieces are born from a real desire to just make cool shit, no matter what limits his life imposes on him. That’s something we can absolutely get behind.

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